We create the moments which you love

To encourage curiosity and creativity in children.

ESH „Brothers Miladinovci“

The basic social role and mission of the school is to educate students with quality and lifelong knowledge, abilities, skills and habits as well as the ability to master modern technology, to educate professional staff trained to apply scientific achievements in practice, for creative and responsible behavior towards work, the environment, society and towards themselves.

The mission of the school will move in the direction of educating young people for responsible personal and social living according to the principles of democracy, tolerance, constructiveness, patience, mutual understanding, initiative, criticality and ability.

Teaching staff




Excellence in teaching and learning

Through various initiatives and projects, the school builds partnerships with parents, the local community and other educational institutions.


ACTIVITIES in ESH „Brothers miladinovci - Struga“

Welcome to the world of informatics, where data is transformed into knowledge and the possibilities are limitless.

Welcome to the world of mathematics, where you will learn to create your future through numbers

Welcome to the biology section, you will get to know how living things and nature in general work

Welcome to the sports section, in addition to the skills for sports disciplines, you will learn how to have a healthy life

Explore the future

Innovative teaching methods

Individual commitment

Modern classrooms


Strong community engagement