First grade

Welcome to the world of first graders from our school and our activities!

The activities are carried out by studying our mother tongue, the English language, society and natural sciences, and we also have physical activities! We enter the world of books and discover new things through reading. We play with numbers, shapes, sizes… Through activities we get to know ourselves better, others around us, the school. We develop hygienic and cultural habits. We discover and explore the secrets of nature.

Second grade

Welcome to the second grade curriculum. In our school the teachers are very enthusiastic, responsible and dedicated. From what we understand the students are always our main priority.

With new methods and ideas, in the second half of the year we continue to work dedicatedly and accomplish all the planned educational goals for second grade, which are related to the implementation of the curriculum and extracurricular activities.

During this semester, we will implement a variety of activities from where the students will express and convey their thoughts, feelings, information and attitudes in different communication skills in their native language, they will develop a team work and competitive spirit, they will also acquire multiculturalism and tolerance.

We support students to develop their mathematical and algorithmic skills, encouraging logical and critical thinking aimed at solving problems and applying them to different situations.

Our goal is to inspire students to understand the importance of mathematics, society, natural sciences in everyday life and to prepare them to successfully cope with challenges in scientific fields.

Third grade

By applying interactive methods and learning through play, we study the mother tongue, English as well as natural sciences and mathematics. Through a series of project activities, we also study the subject of society. Students with great enthusiasm and a competitive spirit enjoy the physical and health education classes. .They express their creativity, skill and talent in art and music education classes.

Our focus is certainly the implementation of the inclusion of students with disabilities as one of the four pillars of the New Concept of nine-year education. It is realized with great success through the great commitment of students, teachers and of course educational assistants.

Native language

Welcome to the native language activities!

This asset consists of the three native languages in which teaching takes place in our school: Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish. The need to connect with personal roots and the ethnicity to which we belong inevitably begins with knowing one’s own mother tongue.

That is why, through the drama, recital and journalism sections, which function flawlessly in our school, students learn about the history of their people, their origin and identity.

Fifth grade

Welcome to our school’s fifth-grade activities!
Here we study our mother ltongue and English, society and history. We learn about the laws and secrets of natural and technical sciences and regularly take care of our physical development through physical activities!
Our focus is on interactive learning methods, team projects, and developing skills such as logical and critical thinking, an excellent way to encourage students to explore and develop their knowledge and skills.
We follow the IT and technical challenges in today’s world and through interactive teaching methods, assignments and team projects, we encourage skills with an applicable approach.
We aim to inspire students to develop love for science, school, friendship, and family so that tomorrow they can be active actors and participants in everyday life and prepare them to deal with the challenges of each area.

Geography, History,Civic Education and Ethich

 ,,Geography, History,Civic Education and Ethich,, at our school.

We travel around the world,from a country to a country,study the history of different people and its benefits.

Students study about their rights and role in order to integrate info the democratic society and easier and to accept the univerzal values thus becoming better citizens.

Our goal is to inspire and enable our students along the way of education and help them apply the knowledge and skills easily in their everyday lives

Physical education

Physical Education refers to the subject of Physical Education in school, which has its own curriculum, goals and practices in each country. 

Physical education as a school subject offers all children access to activity and can develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes they need to adopt and maintain a physically active lifestyle. 

The potential benefits of student participation in physical education are best ensured if quality physical education is provided. 

Physical education is defined as “planned, progressive, inclusive learning that forms part of the curriculum in early years, primary and secondary education.

Mathematics, physics and informatics

Welcome to the math, physics, informatics activities in our school! 

Here we explore the laws and secrets of natural and technical sciences! In our environment, students have the opportunity to discover the various aspects of mathematics, including algebra, geometry, research and statistical data processing, … basic physical laws, their connection and practical application in everyday life … information and technical challenges in today’s world of IT technology and all this through interactive teaching methods, solving tasks and team projects, i.e. encouraging STEM skills of the 21st century, i.e. educational programs based on the idea of educating students in four disciplines – science, technology, engineering and mathematics with an interdisciplinary and applied approach. We support students to develop their mathematical and algorithmic skills, encouraging logical and critical thinking aimed at solving problems and applying them to different situations. Our goal is to inspire students to understand the importance of mathematics, physics, informatics and technology in everyday life and to prepare them to successfully face challenges in the scientific and technological fields.

Biology, chemistry and natural sciences

Welcome to the biology, chemistry and natural sciences activities. 

The purpose of the asset is to improve the quality of teaching and supplement it with contents from ecology related to eco standards through the introduction of modern teaching aids, methods, forms of work in the subjects of biology, chemistry and natural sciences. 

The asset prepares a program for work with gifted and talented children. In particular, the team deals with the methods applied by the teacher-members to discover talents. 

Sections in biology and chemistry and natural sciences are free student activities that offer the opportunity for students to expand their knowledge with the help of teachers, to research and participate in competitions and events in the school, the municipality and the city.