History of ESH "Brothers Miladinovci"

ESH “Brothers Miladinovci” – Struga is an organization of special interest in which students acquire basic education and upbringing in three teaching languages: Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish, from the first to the ninth grade in three school buildings. The school was built in 1974 and from then until today it is an example of multi-ethnicity and coexistence in the city of Struga.

ESH “Brothers Miladinovci” not only shapes and enriches the lives of its students, but also actively participates in the community. Through various initiatives and projects, the school builds partnerships with parents, the local community and other educational institutions.

With pride and dedication, the Primary Municipal School Brothers Miladinovci”” continues to be a shining example of education and development in Struga and in the region.


ESH “Brothers Miladinovci” is an inclusive school that nurtures modern teaching with modern means and methods.

The mission of our school is to create, as well as enable, a working environment that will take care of and provide support for strengthening effective work and learning, encouraging a climate of cooperation and support, which in turn will enable responsibility, mutual understanding and respect.


ESH “Brothers Miladinovci” is an environment that offers support for the individual development of students and the professional development of teachers, and all of this together results in an effective and quality educational process.

Our vision is the upbringing and education of responsible, successful and happy students.